Turkey11 months ago
Terrorists will never succeed in destroying Turkey’s peace: Erdogan
Erdogan says terrorists who attempt to disrupt peace and security in the country will never succeed, following a terrorist attack in the capital Ankara earlier in the day.
Terrorists will never succeed in destroying Turkey’s peace: Erdogan
Reports2 years ago
Indian forces allegedly use Kashmir civilians as human shields
Two civilians were killed in fighting between anti-India fighters and government forces in the Indian-administered Kashmir's Srinagar. The families of the victims accuse the Indian forces of using the two civilians as human shields during their search operation.
Indian forces allegedly use Kashmir civilians as human shields
Palestine3 years ago
Syria condemns Israeli attacks on territory
Syria condemns Israel’s frequent attacks on its territory, saying the Tel Aviv regime’s ongoing acts of aggression will not affect its resolve in the fight against terrorism.
Syria condemns Israeli attacks on territory
Economy3 years ago
Iran mobilizing resources to fight money laundering
Iran is mobilizing firms and experts to improve its online anti-money laundering infrastructure.
Iran mobilizing resources to fight money laundering
Somalia3 years ago
Somali president calls for election, pulling country back from brink of civil war for now
Somalia's President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed (Farmajo) calls for a presidential election and a return to dialog, dropping his controversial decision to extend his own mandate.
Somali president calls for election, pulling country back from brink of civil war for now
News Headlines3 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here is the latest top stories from Press TV on March 18, 2021.
Press TV's news headlines
Brazil3 years ago
1 killed after robbers storm another Brazil town, battle police
More than 20 armed robbers storm a bank in a small Brazilian town, taking hostages, fighting police, and killing one person.More than 20 armed robbers storm a bank in a small Brazilian town, taking hostages, fighting police, and killing one person.
1 killed after robbers storm another Brazil town, battle police
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