news media
Politics5 years ago
Fox News guests spread 'disinformation': Leaked internal memo
Fox News reveals in a leaked internal memo that its guests spread "disinformation".
Fox News guests spread 'disinformation': Leaked internal memo
Lebanon5 years ago
Lebanon’s daily suspends print edition over fiscal crisis
Lebanon’s English-language newspaper the Daily Star suspends its print edition after months of experiencing financial difficulties.
Lebanon’s daily suspends print edition over fiscal crisis
Politics5 years ago
'Fars News blacklisting by US shows news agency's effectiveness'
An editor-in-chief of Iran’s Fars News Agency says the blacklisting of the news agency by the US shows how well it has done its job.
'Fars News blacklisting by US shows news agency's effectiveness'
Society5 years ago
Americans worry over social media control of news: Poll
A majority of Americans believe social media companies have too much control over the news on their sites, a new poll shows.
Americans worry over social media control of news: Poll
Iran Today5 years ago
Press TV’s 12th anniversary
Press TV, since its launch 12 years ago, has been trying to be the voice of the voiceless in the world as an alternative media.
Press TV’s 12th anniversary
Politics6 years ago
US news media ‘enemy of the people’: Trump
US President Donald Trump has launched a new attack on American news organizations, calling them "enemy of the people."
US news media ‘enemy of the people’: Trump
Society6 years ago
Prominent US newspapers come under cyberattack
A cyberattack Saturday affected distribution at prominent newspapers across the United States.
Prominent US newspapers come under cyberattack
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