News Bulletin3 years ago
Inspired by Persian poetry, Tanzanian novelist wins 2021 Nobel
Tanzanian novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah wins the 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature .
Inspired by Persian poetry, Tanzanian novelist wins 2021 Nobel
Venezuela4 years ago
Guaido at French embassy after Maduro says he is 'hiding'
Venezuela’s US-backed opposition figure Juan Guaido is said to have sought refuge at the French embassy in the Latin American country’s capital of Caracas.
Guaido at French embassy after Maduro says he is 'hiding'
More6 years ago
UN calls on Bangladesh to take in Myanmar refugees
The United Nations has called on Bangladesh to keep taking in Muslim refugees fleeing from war in Myanmar.
UN calls on Bangladesh to take in Myanmar refugees
North Africa6 years ago
117 refugees unaccounted for off Libyan coast
A dinghy sinks off the Libyan coast, leaving about 117 refugees unaccounted for.
117 refugees unaccounted for off Libyan coast
More7 years ago
Indonesia reopens Bali airport amid volcanic eruption
Bali airport was reopened on Wednesday,two days after a volcanic eruption spread ash across the holiday island and forced its airport to close.
Indonesia reopens Bali airport amid volcanic eruption
More7 years ago
Bangladesh steps up patrols to deter Rohingya inflow
Manuzurul Hasan Khan, a senior Bangladesh border guard official, said on Thursday that the two countries were jointly patrolling frontier areas.
Bangladesh steps up patrols to deter Rohingya inflow
Reports7 years ago
EU’s refugee relocation scheme not working
The European Union’s refugee relocation scheme is struggling to meet its targets months before the plan’s expiration date.
EU’s refugee relocation scheme not working
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