Society7 years ago
‘Exercise, brain training reduce dementia risk’
A regular fitness program alongside controlled blood pressure and brain training could help reduce the risk of dementia at an old age, say American medical experts.
‘Exercise, brain training reduce dementia risk’
Society8 years ago
Iran unveils 1st ever herbal medicine for Alzheimer’s
Iranian researchers and scientist unveil the world's first herbal medicine to treat Alzheimer’s.
Iran unveils 1st ever herbal medicine for Alzheimer’s
News Bulletin8 years ago
Artist devises program to help adults with memory problems
An American theater artist has devised a program to help adults with memory problems.
Artist devises program to help adults with memory problems
Culture8 years ago
‘Iran to be Alzheimer’s treatment hub’
An Iranian scientist says Iran will become an international hub of Alzheimer’s disease treatment over the next few years.
‘Iran to be Alzheimer’s treatment hub’
Society9 years ago
Scientists create first ever lab brain
Scientists have developed a miniature brain that contains 99 percent of the genes present in a fetal brain.
Scientists create first ever lab brain
Society9 years ago
Science makes gains against Alzheimer's
Scientists make a breakthrough discovery in the battle against neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's.
Science makes gains against Alzheimer's
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