heat wave
EU2 years ago
Scorching heat wave sparks wildfires in Europe
Thousands of firefighters battled more than 20 blazes that raged on Wednesday across Portugal and western Spain, menacing villages and disrupting tourists' holidays amid a heat wave that pushed temperatures above 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) in some parts of Europe.
Scorching heat wave sparks wildfires in Europe
France2 years ago
Around 700 firefighters with aircraft battle blaze in southern France
About 700 firefighters backed by aircraft have been pressed into service in France's southern Gard region to battle a blaze that has so far burnt more than 600 hectares (1,500 acres) of forest area.
Around 700 firefighters with aircraft battle blaze in southern France
Society3 years ago
UN: Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade
Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade , a UN climate science report says.
UN: Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade
News Headlines3 years ago
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Beijing has lashed out at the United States for blacklisting several more Chinese entities over alleged human rights abuses.
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Trending3 years ago
An unprecedented and deadly heat wave in the West has alarmed people across the world to take action.
News Headlines3 years ago
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Here is the latest top stories from Press TV on July 6, 2021.
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Society4 years ago
California rolling blackouts warning issued for 3 million homes
California warns that millions of homes could be hit by rolling blackouts imposed on Monday to manage overwhelming energy demands caused by an extreme heat wave. manage overwhelming energy demands caused by an extreme heat wave baking the state for a fourth straight day.
California rolling blackouts warning issued for 3 million homes
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