Societyone year ago
Poor housing growing barrier to children’s education in UK: Report
A British education charity attributes high absence rates in schools across the UK to "insecure, unsuitable and poor-quality housing".
Poor housing growing barrier to children’s education in UK: Report
Economy2 years ago
Leader endorses Iran’s cap on rent increases
Leader’s endorsement came in response to a religious inquiry about the cap on rent increases.
Leader endorses Iran’s cap on rent increases
Economy3 years ago
UK inflation rises to 30-year high amid cost of living crisis
UK inflation has hit nearly 30-year high of 5.5%, new data shows, as cost of living squeeze tightens in the country.
UK inflation rises to 30-year high amid cost of living crisis
Economy3 years ago
UK house prices rise at slowest pace as purchase power at historic low, report
Housing prices in the UK in January rose at their slowest monthly pace since June last year, according to the UK-based banking company Halifax.
UK house prices rise at slowest pace as purchase power at historic low, report
Economy3 years ago
Iran parliament rejects motion to set up housing ministry
The Iranian parliament rejects a motion to create a separate ministry for housing and urbanization.
Iran parliament rejects motion to set up housing ministry
Economy3 years ago
Iran opens nearly $1bn worth of housing projects
Iran’s Rouhani rolls out over 51,000 new houses as part of his government’s affordable housing project.
Iran opens nearly $1bn worth of housing projects
Economy3 years ago
UK house price growth hits five-year high in April: Halifax
British house prices increased last month at the fastest annual rate for five years, helped by finance minister Rishi Sunak's extension of tax cut for buyers, mortgage lender Halifax said on Monday.
UK house price growth hits five-year high in April: Halifax
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