InfoClips19 days ago
Israelis mock Palestinian children in social media 'prank call' trend
A recent viral trend started by Israeli content creators on TikTok mocks the Palestinian child victims of Israel's genocidal war on Gaza.
Israelis mock Palestinian children in social media 'prank call' trend
Palestineone month ago
BBC blasted for pulling documentary on Gaza children after Israel lobby pressure
The BBC faces significant criticism after removing a documentary about Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip from its iPlayer platform.
BBC blasted for pulling documentary on Gaza children after Israel lobby pressure
News Headlines2 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's news headlines at 09:00 GMT, January 24, 2025.
Press TV's news headlines
Palestine2 months ago
Israel killed 70 children in past five days alone in northern Gaza
Relentless Israeli air and artillery strikes continue to devastate Gaza, as about 70 children have been killed in the past five days alone in northern Gaza.
Israel killed 70 children in past five days alone in northern Gaza
Palestine2 months ago
Over a million children in Gaza face mental health crisis: UNICEF
UNICEF has warned that almost all of the 1.1 million children in Gaza are facing a mental health crisis and are in need of psychosocial support.
Over a million children in Gaza face mental health crisis: UNICEF
Reports2 months ago
Children bearing brunt of humanitarian crisis in Gaza
Day by day, the humanitarian condition in Gaza worsens.
Children bearing brunt of humanitarian crisis in Gaza
News Headlines2 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 02:00 GMT on January 7, 2024.
Press TV's news headlines
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