Reports9 months ago
Pakistanis pay tribute to Imam Khomeini’s legacy on 35th anniversary
The Iranian embassy in Pakistan hosts a ceremony to commemorate the passing anniversary of the founder of the Islamic Revolution.
Pakistanis pay tribute to Imam Khomeini’s legacy on 35th anniversary
Reports11 months ago
Pakistanis celebrate Iran's retaliatory strikes on Israel, voice solidarity with Gaza
In a display of solidarity, Pakistani citizens have taken to the streets to stand with Gaza and celebrate Iran’s retaliatory strikes on Israel
Pakistanis celebrate Iran's retaliatory strikes on Israel, voice solidarity with Gaza
Reportsone year ago
People of Pakistan launch fundraising campaign for Gaza
The people of Pakistan launch a fundraising campaign to support Palestinians impacted by Israeli crimes in Gaza.
People of Pakistan launch fundraising campaign for Gaza
Reportsone year ago
Pakistanis launch boycott campaign against US, Israeli products
Pakistanis start a boycott campaign against products made in the US and Israel to protest the ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza.
Pakistanis launch boycott campaign against US, Israeli products
Reportsone year ago
Pakistanis demand to launch criminal proceedings against Israel in ICJ
Pakistan has hosted a national conference on Palestine to condemn Israel's ongoing atrocities in occupied territories.
Pakistanis demand to launch criminal proceedings against Israel in ICJ
Palestineone year ago
People of Pakistan hold rally in solidarity with Palestinians
Pakistanis stage a demonstration in the capital Islamabad to voice their solidarity with Palestinians.
People of Pakistan hold rally in solidarity with Palestinians
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