Niger coup
Spotlightone year ago
Anti-West sentiment in Niger
This episode looks at whether Niger can hold on and exert its sovereignty to bring about the change needed for this country to have a better future.
Anti-West sentiment in Niger
IN-DEPTHone year ago
Gabon Coup
A group of military officers staged a successful coup in the Central African nation of Gabon minutes after the results of the presidential election showed that President Ali Bongo had won a third term.
Gabon Coup
Moreone year ago
Macron shrugs off ultimatum, says French envoy to stay in Niger
But the French president has admitted failure of France’s policies across various parts of Africa.
Macron shrugs off ultimatum, says French envoy to stay in Niger
IN-DEPTHone year ago
ECOWAS delegation visits Niger
“Neither the military junta nor the people of Niger want war and remain open to dialogue”.
ECOWAS delegation visits Niger
Moreone year ago
African Union suspends Niger until it reinstates pro-West president
The African Union has suspended the membership of Niger until the military regime reinstates pro-Western President Mohamed Bazoum who was toppled on July 26.
African Union suspends Niger until it reinstates pro-West president
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories, 02:00 GMT on August 22, 2023.
Press TV's news headlines
Moreone year ago
Niger’s coup leaders to try President Bazoum for ‘treason’
A spokesman for the military has accused Bazoum of “high treason.”
Niger’s coup leaders to try President Bazoum for ‘treason’
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