Politics6 months ago
Defense minister: Iran fully supports Maduro government in Venezuela
The Iranian defense minister says the Islamic Republic fully supports the government of Venezuelan President Nikolas Maduro.
Defense minister: Iran fully supports Maduro government in Venezuela
Venezuela6 months ago
Maduro says US behind 'sabotage' after Venezuela hit by power blackout
Power is slowly being restored in Venezuela after a nationwide outage blamed on sabotage by the opposition.
Maduro says US behind 'sabotage' after Venezuela hit by power blackout
Politics7 months ago
Iran FM warns of Israel’s destabilizing plots; urges Muslims to foster unity
The Iranian foreign minister was speaking with his Turkish counterpart on the phone.
Iran FM warns of Israel’s destabilizing plots; urges Muslims to foster unity
Viewpointone year ago
Why Iran-Bolivia security partnership has rattled Americans, Zionists
The consolidation of bilateral ties between Bolivia and Iran continues at a greater pace, with a new security partnership between the two sides rattling Americans and Zionists.
Why Iran-Bolivia security partnership has rattled Americans, Zionists
EUone year ago
Venezuela's Maduro slams Europe for silence on Qur'an desecration
"I condemn these racist acts of hatred against Muslim nations," the president told Lebanon's al-Mayadeen. 
Venezuela's Maduro slams Europe for silence on Qur'an desecration
Economyone year ago
Saipa supplies second batch of Iran-made cars to Venezuela
Iran’s Saipa supplies 1,000 more cars to Venezuela as part of an export deal signed with Caracas.
Saipa supplies second batch of Iran-made cars to Venezuela
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