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What is happening in the UK on 31 January?

Brexit commemorative 50 p coin

From events backed by No 10 to demonstrations lead by anti-racist campaigners, here are six things definitely happening on Brexit day – and a few things that won’t.

Some will be celebrating the turning of a page for the UK, which is departing the European Union after three-and-a-half long years of political turmoil, while others plan to protest against what this new political future represents.

New Commemorative 50 Pence coins

On 31 January, Brexit day, three million brand new 50 pence coins bearing the words: “Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations” shall enter circulation in commemoration of Brexit, with another seven million to enter circulation over the next year. Sajid Javid, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, will be presenting one of the coins, which have proven to be controversial, as has everything else related to Brexit.

Leave Means Leave rally

The Leave Means Leave campaign has been granted permission to host a rally, due to take place between 21:00 and 23:15 on the 31st. Headed by Richard Tice, the campaign has organised speakers, light shows and music to celebrate Brexit day.

Speech by Boris Johnson

As part of Number Ten’s Brexit day plans, the prime minister will give a speech on the future of the UK at 11pm. Johnson will be starting the day in the north of England, where he will chair a meeting with cabinet ministers, discussing “prosperity and opportunity” for the region. The government, in keeping with its usual modus operandi, has given no further details on the meeting.

Countdown to Brexit clock

The government has announced that a countdown clock will be projected onto Downing Street buildings to mark the exact moment the UK leaves the EU – 11pm. As well as the countdown clock, union jack flags will be flown around Parliament Square.

London is Open

At this event, launched by the mayor, Sadiq Khan, the doors to City Hall shall be opened to support EU Londoners with free legal advice and emotional support services. With Britain’s future relationship with the EU still unclear, many Londoners have questions about the EU Settlement Scheme and what their future in the UK will look like.

Protest at the London Eye

Demonstrators will be gathering on the South Bank in London to protest leaving the EU. During the protest, called Shine a Light Through the Darkness, participants will shine torch lights in a recognition of the detrimental effects they say Brexit will have on the NHS and workers’ rights. Similar demonstrations will take place in Brighton and Bournemouth.

What won’t be happening:

No church bells will be ringing out for Brexit, and Big Ben shall call in the change. Vicars have said the eurosceptics’ bongs for 1 February will worsen divides in the country, while the Commons authorities said it could not justify the Big Ben costs, despite crowdfunding efforts by StandUp4Brexit. The campaigners managed to raise more than £270,000 of the £500,000 necessary to speed up repairs in time for 31 January.

Equally disappointing for the most fervent Brexit supporters, police have refused to lift the curfew on fireworks. UK law states that fireworks may not be used between the hours of 11 pm and 7am except for on 5 November or 31 December.

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