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Britain to bow to US pressure ahead of Brexit

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson (R) shakes hands with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at 10 Downing Street in London on January 30, 2020. (Photo by AFP)

Robert Inlakesh
Press TV, London

Ahead of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union in a matter of hours, Donald Trump’s top diplomat and secretary of state Mike Pompeo has made a visit to Britain in order to meet with Boris Johnson to discuss a number of key issues between the two nations.

The US wants the UK to reconsider its stance on allowing Chinese tech company Huawei from having a role in the newly rolled out 5G network. Washington is hoping its stance as a much needed post Brexit trading partner might hold some sway. Whilst this is ongoing, British politicians and the public are preparing themselves for Brexit. After nearly four bitter years of chaos, opinions are still divided.

With the Brexit date near, the UK is seeking to do a significant trade deal with the US, bringing the two nations closer. But there is already concern that Washington may hold all the cards. However, despite the UK’s growing dependency on the US there are elements within the population who might have voted for more populist reasons, with trade deals not their main priority.

If Mike Pompeo manages to influence Britains policy on allowing Huawei to have a part to play in its 5G system, this could signal the beginning of a new influencer of policy over the UK. The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Dominic Raab has now even announced that a US-UK trade deal will be possible by the end of November.

But many welcome this closer relationship with Donald Trump’s America and feel that the UK will do better off outside of the European Union.

With many Brits happy that the UK is leaving the European Union, there are equally many who argue that leaving the EU carries with it many consequences. One such consequence is the UK becoming subservient to the United States and where they wish to take the UK.

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