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Palestinians see Holocaust forum as Israel efforts to cover up its crimes

Mona Kandil
Press TV, Ramallah

For the first time in its history, Israel has invited high-ranking delegations from over 40 countries including world leaders to attend an international conference titled “Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting Anti-Semitism in occupied Jerusalem al-Quds”.

Presidents of France, Russia, and Italy and the vice-president of the United States are among the invited leaders.

The ideal of holding the conference has sparked outrage among the Palestinians who maintain that the conference is part of Israel’s efforts to cover up its crimes in the Palestinian territories.

Till Friday, several events will be held through the international conference. Thousands Of Israeli police and counter-terrorism officers have been deployed throughout the streets of city. Police checkpoints have also scattered all around the area, and random checks have been conducted to secure the city. But observers say these military measures and crackdown has already turned al-Quds into a military base and would paralyze the life of the Palestinians living.

At the end of the day, Palestinian officials ask world leaders visiting al-Quds to exercise pressure on Israel to stop its crimes against Palestinians.

Observers say Israel insists on convincing the world that Jewish people have always been oppressed in an attempt to drag even a simple sympathy to cover on its own crimes committed against the people of Palestine.

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