US, allies trying to prevent liberation of Mosul: Pundit

A member of the Iraqi government forces flashes the "V" for victory sign in Fallujah, after forces retook the embattled city from the Daesh terrorist group on June 26, 2016. (AFP Photo)

Press TV has conducted an interview with Sabah Jawad, an Iraqi political commentator from London, about the operation for librating the Iraqi city of Mosul from the Daesh terrorist group and claims of a humanitarian crisis in the city.

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: That’s a staggering figure. According to estimates one million people could soon be displaced as a result of the fighting in Iraq’s north. Now the UN refugee agency has voiced concern about displacement of Iraqis, saying that the agency is adopting measures to deal with the situation. However, they haven’t set a pretty good precedent with dealing with the displacement of Iraqis in the past.

Jawad: The refugee and displacement situation in Iraq in the battle against ISIS (Daesh) is very challenging even at the best of time and there is no consensus. We have normal circumstances in Iraq in many aspects, weakness of the state, corruption and so on. And this will present a huge challenge to the authorities, but rather than the United Nations always speaks about the huge influx of refugees and so on coupled with American statements that we are facing catastrophes basically from refugee crisis in Iraq if Mosul is liberated and so on.

We have to take the statements with a pinch of salt basically, because the Americans actually want to prevent Mosul liberation from happening very soon in Iraq. And they are, together with other steps being taken, plotting against the liberation of Mosul very much soon. Even the statements by the American spokesman for the State Department saying that actually the election of the American presidency has no calling on the liberation of Mosul, because people believe actually that the liberation of Mosul will take place before the American elections so as to give a chance for Clinton’s candidacy.

We’ve also seen in the past few weeks actually the statements by the Kurdish leadership in Iraqi Kurdistan saying that after the liberation of Mosul and the surrounding areas, the Peshmerga forces will not vacate these positions and they consider them part of disputed territories between the center in Iraq, Baghdad, and the Kurdish regions. And this comes at a time when there are actually strategic alliance being formed between the Kurdish region and the United States and Germany to push the agent for the Kurdish ... including the Peshmerga forces in Kurdistan who have been paid entirely by the Pentagon, their wages being paid by the Pentagon as well. So, there are many attempts by the Americans and their allies actually to prevent the liberation of Mosul.

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