Denmark trampling over refugees’ rights: Activist

This photo shows refugees entering a train to Copenhagen, Denmark, on November 12, 2015 at the railway station in Flensburg, northern Germany, where refugees in transit wait to continue their trip through Europe. © AFP

Press TV has interviewed Shabbir Hassanally, an activist and Islamic scholar in London, to discuss Denmark’s plan to seize refugees’ valuables in order to cover their accommodation costs.

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: When I read this news I had to read it twice because what I am gathering here, people who come with barely anything to another country and then they are asked to give that almost nothing to them.

Hassanally: It is a very, very strange turn of events. It is not something that they have just come out with now. It is something that has been in the pipeline for quite some time now. I mean if you cast your memory back to the summer of last year, you remember that in some Arabic language newspapers the Danish government took an advert, saying “do not come here” with a view to like trying to dissuade people, and included this is what they are trying to do, but I think they are completely trampling over the human rights and dignity of people who are already in a bad place. I mean anyone who wants to anywhere and leave their homeland is going to be doing it because they are having trouble in their homeland. Not granted, it might be economic trouble but more than likely given the scenario across the world at the moment, it is more likely that this is going to be down to…their home is getting bombed, they are getting killed and so they need to get out of there and they go to wherever it is easier.

Some of these migrants, we all know, they pay human traffickers a lot of money to get out which is a problem in itself, do not get me wrong, but then to have a government like the Danish government for example turn around and say: “Right if you paid these human traffickers x, now you need to pay us this much. You know if you bring more than you know 1400 dollars, then the rest of it is all ours, we are going to use it to settle you”.

I think this is going to work out very negatively for the government in Denmark and…it is not surprising; it is an extremely right-wing party that runs Denmark at the moment and I believe it is a very big mistake. Hopefully you know when they are going to debate it later on in January, the whole thing falls flat on its face….

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